How to treat one FIP cat well?

When a cat gets FIP, it is progressive and almost always fatal. Even so, many people have successfully treated their kitty, you can too!
If you could FOLLOW and COMPLETE the 4 STEPS well, you will have one high-quality treatment for your cats got with FIP .

Step1:Meds Guaranteed

Choosing the right and guaranteed Meds is half the battle for successful treatment

Step2:Dosage Suffient

You must give cat suffient dosage based on cat specific conditions to avoid relapse.

Step3:Care Supportive

Keep adjusting dosage and following the supportive care tips is very important to improve the cure quality.

Step4:Stop Treatment

Check if the treatment protocol and health condition or Lab data meeted before stopping treatment.

FIP Introduction

FIP is ultimately caused by a feline enteric coronavirus (FECV). In about 10% of cats, mainly kittens, the virus will undergo specific mutations that allow it to escape the cells lining the lower intestine and infect the most basic cell of the immune system, the macrophage. FIPV-infected macrophages can then spread the infection to other sites within the abdominal and chest cavities and to distant organs such as the eyes and brain. FIP is a serious and acutely disease that can affect a cat's internal organs quickly, including the liver, spleen, and abdominal cavity, there are four forms of FIP: Wet, Dry, Ocular, Neuro. Wet FIP is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen or chest, while dry FIP is characterized by the formation of granulomas (lumps of cells) in various organs. Ocular is characterized of uveitis, iritis shown in eyes. Neuro FIP is characterized of weakness shown on leg strength, uncoordinated limbs, and even paralysis.

Medicine Choose: GS

The most effective and perfect treatment for FIP is the antiviral drug GS-441524 for now, although there are several different medicines had been confirmed and work for FIP cats. GS works almost 100% efficiently and causes extremely less toxic in kidney( only 1-2 cats of 100 cats not respond to GS), while other medicines either not efficiently or causes high toxic for kidney organs. For example, GC-376 is gentle in toxic factor, but the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier is only 25% of that of GS-441. Although Molnupiravir doesn’t show low barrier penetrate ability, but it causes several times the toxicity of GS, after 84 days treatment, it’s a big burden for cat kidney health, the damage to some cats will be irreversible.

Determinig Dose of GS

Cat’s daily GS injection or oral dose will be determined by the cat’s symptoms and weight. It is necessary to adjust the dosage appropriately according to the specific situation. When the condition worsens or weight gain occurs, the dosage needs to be increased. When all Lab datas are already normal or approaching normal, the dosage cannot be reduced arbitrarily.

*Following figures are only a guide.Each cat should be assessed based on severity of illness and symptoms in order to determine the appropriate starting dosage.

*Note: Higher Dosage Better FIP Treatment Slightly higher dosage doesn’t do bad to cats, the only bad is the higher cost.


6 mg/kg - symptoms abdominal effusion,
8 mg/kg -symptoms pleural effusion,
8 mg/kg -symptoms hard breathe,
7 mg/kg -not eat for more than 3 days.


6-7 mg/kg - without effusion, ocular or neuro involvement.
8 mg/kg - severe jaundice, skinney,
7-8 mg/kg -not eat for more than 3 days, stubborn fever.

Ocular FIP

8-9 mg/kg - mild symptoms with uveitis, iritis.
9-10 mg/kg -uneven pupil in eye.
10-12 mg/kg -Blurred visionin see things.


10 mg/kg - symptoms with weak leg in strength.
11-12 mg/kg - uncoordinated limbs, limp.
12 mg/kg - paralysis, hyperspasmia

* Relapse Dosage: When one cat has FIP relapse, dosage should increase 50% compared with previous. If one cat relapse with neuro symptoms although it’s wet FIP at first round, cat still need to be treated as Neuro FIP, 50% INCREASING is not enough.

GS Dosage Calculator

Administering Injections

For more dosage calculater details, CLICK the following "Dosage Calculator" button. You will get daily dosage results by simple fill of symptom, weight, and meds option.

Inject Site

Inject Operate

Injection Dose
Injections are typically given every 24 hours at the same time of day for 84 days.
The injections are given sub-cutaneously or “sub-cu” which means just under the skin.
Missing one dose
It is not serious, because effective blood levels are sustained over 24 h. However, missing a dose is something that should be avoided if at all possible.
Inject Prevent
The needle should NOT poke into the muscle of the cat. Many vets will demonstrate how to do the shots.
If some of the GS leaks out of the injection site, the rule of thumb is to reinject the amount you think leaked out. If you are unsure, reinject 1/2 of the original dose. Wash the area of the leak with mild soap - such as Dawn dishsoap and warm water. Rinse completely.

How to inject cats

Administering Oral Tablets

*Choose tablets and do not use capsules, Capsules are prone to recurrence and have multiple side effects , due to their weak absorption function.
Oral pills Dose
Oral Tablet are typically given every 24 hours at the same time of day for 84 days.
The oral administer requires fast food for 30 minutes before or after giving oral tablets.
Missing one dose
It is not serious, because effective blood levels are sustained over 24 h. However, missing a dose is something that should be avoided if at all possible.
Avoid Oral
Do not take oral pills to cats when they vomit or have poor gastrointestinal.
Vomit or Spit out
If some tablets are vomited within 4 hours of administration, it is necessary to re administer the medication, measure the amount vomited, and correspondingly give cat the same amount of GS medication.

How to give cat GS pills

Switch between Injections and Oral Pills

If the cat does not show any obvious discomfort, you can switch from injection to tablet or from tablet to injection at any time as your will. Many cat owners choose take injections in the first 2 weeks to treat, and then use oral tablets for the remaining 10 weeks to complete treatment. But it doesn;t mean you can't use oral pills first.
Cats with diarrhea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal problems should not switch from injections to tablets until their condition stabilizes.
When switching the treatment type, you need to take care of the dose matching betwwwen the different types to avoid lunder-treatment.

Switch between Injections and Oral Pills

  • The fever usually goes down within 72 hours.
  • Fluid build-up begins to subside within 5 to 10 days, disappear within 15 days. Each cat is different.
  • Appetite will gradually return and bowel movements will gradually resume.
  • Mental state will gradually recover.
  • About three or four weeks, the cat with diarrhea will be no different from a normal healthy cat, but we should not take it lightly, and don’t think that the disease has been cured just because the cat has recovered.
  • Once again, the treatment takes some time, and whether it is effective or not, we should look at the state of the cat in the early stage and the indicators in the later stage.

Supportive Care

In order to have one high-quality treatment and avoid , some supportive care is necessarily needed. They also plays one important role.

Begin of the treatment

Belly Fluid

DO NOT HAVE IT DRAINED without discussing with vet & admins.

  • Draining the abdominal fluid is very risky and can cause your cat to go into shock and pass away.
  • If fluid must be drained it should be no more than 30% and only if your cat’s belly becomes so full that eating, bowel movements or breathing are affected.
Chest Fluid
Can ABSOLUTELY and MUST be drained if kitty’s breathing is labored. This fluid can be drained completely
If your cat is not eating, you needs to be syringe fed to protect the liver.
Your cat may need to be hospitalized for supportive care such as blood transfusions, subcutaneous fluids or oxygen.
Pre-(dnisolone) or dex-(amethasone) SP

MANY but not ALL cats will benefit from a course of short-acting steroids. 
Please ask your vet for a prescription.

  • This helps stabilize the kitty while the GS starts working.
  • Once stable they need to be weaned off the prednisolone.
  • The goal is to be off the steroids by week three.
  • 2 mg/kg of Prednisolone for the first few days or a week, then drop down to 1 mg/kg and wean.
  • Don’t go over 1 mg/kg twice per day of Prednisolone, that is anti-inflammatory dosing.
Inital Dosing
  • If your kitty isn’t stable or begins to decline, your vet & admins may recommend that you dose twice daily.
  • That means a full dose every 12 hours. Once kitty is stable, you will stretch out to 24-hour dosing.

*During of Treatment*

*Weighting And Adjusting Dose
  • Please purchase an inexpensive digital baby scale to weigh with – see SUPPLIES section for links to buy.
  • UNDER-DOSING increases the risk of relapse and resistance.
  • Weigh your kitty in kilograms.
  • If not, MAKE SURE YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 3 lbs 2 oz and 3.2 lbs.
  • CBC and full chem panel should be done every 4 weeks during treatment so that your admins can monitor your kitty’s progess.
  • Final bloodwork should be scheduled around day 80 so that your admins can give you the green light to enter observation after day 84.
*Don’t miss any injections
  • Injections should be at within one hour the same time every day. You can always inject EARLY but ask your admin for help if you need to move the time more than one hour later. • Leaks and misses happen. If you think only some leaked, redo half the dose. If you think most of the dose leaked out, redo the entire dose.
  • Make sure to clean the area thoroughly if the meds leak. Diluted dish soap works well.
Communicate with your  Vet & Admin
  • Let your vet and admins know about ANY negative changes with your kitty.
  • Consult your vet and admin before making any changes to the treatment plan, and do not give any new medications without asking first.
  • PLAN AHEAD – Don’t run too low on GS before ordering more as there can always be shipping delays.

Stopping the FIP treatment

After completing the 84 day GS treatment described earlier and following the supportive care, you could consider stopping the treatment. There are 2 steps for you to do.

Step 1 (check cat stage):
After 84 days of medicine and cats in the situation as well as completely normal for more than a week, you can take the cat to do the examination (mainly blood, biochemical testing, SAA).

Step 2 (whether stopping the treatment):
Situation 1: If the A/G of 0.7 or more (better is 0.8 or more), SAA is normal. At this point in 10-15 days 441 can be stopped directly (can be soft stopping the injection so that the cat has a process of getting used to), it is recommended to leave 3 injections of meds has been done as a precautionary measure in case of relapse.

Situation 2: If the A/G is still below 0.8 (SAA, and blood routine at the moment to see normal cats appear very small problem, 99% are white ball ratio does not meet the standard), but also to continue to inject for 15 days, then do the examination. If you reach the index of stopping the needle, enter the situation 1 phase of stopping the needle, if it is still not normal is divided into two cases:

Situation 2.1: The cat’s A/G has risen by a long time, usually more than 0.5 increase, but also continue to continue the injection according to Situation 2.

Situation 2.2: The difference between the cat’s A/G and the previous one is very small ± 0.2, at this time, you can also consider stopping the treatment, and follow the Situation 1.

All of the above is for reference only, the specific situation needs to be judged according to the cat’s condition. As you go through treatment, stay in contact with your vet and/or treatment advisor — they cannot advise you about things they don’t know about.

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