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We cure cats relapsed from other suppliers!
Cure Success Rate
Relapse Rate
How do you declare your cure success rate?
It's one good question! We make this statistics of cure success rate based on our thousands of treatment case.
1)As you can search online, we have one good reputation, we are recommended by veterinarian.
2)We work with FIP Global admins who are devoted great love to cats, we are under public supervise.
3) You can check our products reviews to learn what other parents say.
Is FIP Cat usually get relapse after 84 days?
It depends on cat symptoms and condition, but it's also based on GS supplier, with not reliable meds, cat has one higher possibility to get relapse, even cause death.
But we could guarantee low relapse rate, because our High-Quality meds pursuit.
How is your cure effciency compared with other supplier?
It's not polite to say that other suppliers are not good, but at least we are usually one reliable option for cats with extremely hard conditions.
We have seen many cats who relapsed from treatment under other brands make great improvemnets after switching to our brand, and their relapse had been cured finally.