Healthy internal organs increase the body’s ability to resist infections and recover from illness. It is recommended to give your cat vitamins and supplements to keep their kidney and liver healthy and strong during the process of FIP treatment.

Nutrition for cat with FIP

Feed FIP to cats a few pilchards, salmon, sardines, or other omega-3-rich fish Increase the intake of the cat’s diet’s anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids. Raw diet such as raw beef is also full of nutrients that a cat needs.

Whether it is the cause or long-term medication, it is a significant burden on the liver and kidneys. Therefore, liver and kidney problems cannot be ignored in treatment, and liver protection and prevention of renal failure are particularly important.

Extra VITAMINS that can be given to cat with FIP

  • Vitamin B12

B12 preserves the health of the neurological system, maintains the health of the intestines.

Extremely safe to give, subcutaneous B12 injections can be given to cats weekly to help fight anemia and support the immune system.

  • Vitamin A(optional)

Beta-carotene cannot be metabolized by cats, so they must be given vitamin A in the form of fish or fish oil, such as halibut liver oil. Hypervitaminosis A, however, will result in excessive bone lying down at the joints, therefore avoid using it consistently for longer than 4-6 weeks.

  • Vitamin B complex(optional)

Multivitamin B is a good appetite stimulant. Thiamine, a vitamin B1 (optional if not giving B complex) administered orally (i.e. by mouth or in food)

  • Vitamin C(ascorbic acid) (optional)

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Vitamin C should only be used for a few weeks because it can lead to oxalate crystals in the urine if taken for an extended period of time.

Cat owners should be more open to the idea of giving supplements to their cats to aid them through the FIP treatment process as these different supplements can help their cats’ health. There are currently no known adverse side effects when vitamins and nutritional supplements for cats are given alongside of GS-441524 during FIP treatments. However, be sure to keep in mind that not all supplements are totally risk free as they can have differing results depending on supplement dosage and the individual cat’s physique.