
Lucky FIP Oral Pill Ⅰ 6 mg (1kg) A La Carte


(9 customer reviews)
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  1. Lori Thogersen (verified owner)

    My kitty has been on lucky and the results have been amazing. He has changed drastically the last few weeks and we are eager to see him cured. He’s gained weight and is playful again, and it feels like a miracle. His eyes are full of life again. Thank you.

    Lucky FIP Oral Pill Ⅰ 6 mg (1kg) A La Carte
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  2. Naomi Meyers (verified owner)

    We had to increase our cats dosage and were able to do that easily.

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  3. Phillip

    This product has been life changing for our Kitty Scotch. We so appreciate this product and how fast it can get processed.

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  4. Beverly Burnham

    We are a cat an dog rescue. Before this treatment for FIP positive kitties they had almost no chance of survival. Now we can save them. We have treated all stages of FIP with every symptom and in every case it has worked and restored their health. Thank you Lucky FIP for helping me save lives.

    Lucky FIP Oral Pill Ⅰ 6 mg (1kg) A La Carte
    Lucky FIP Oral Pill Ⅰ 6 mg (1kg) A La Carte
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  5. Richard Wagner (verified owner)

    Amanda Cress Wagner

    Keeping our beautiful Kathrine alive she still has neurological issues that probably will never leave her, administering this treatment keeps her hind legs going. The pills work much better than the stick, she didn’t not take kindly to the injections thank goodness for the oral medication.

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  6. John Gallias

    This saved our cat from FIP! We switched to these pills from the injections half-way through the 84 day period. They are so much easier to give to your cat, and lets the injection sites heal. They even gave us extra tablets! Very grateful for this.
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  7. Kyle Maudlin

    This saved our most precious kitty
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  8. Maria Roberts

    Excellent product! The cure for FIP even where I was told there is no cure get ready to say goodbye to my beautiful girl. The rescue where I got her and her sister told me about this drug and told me exactly how to dose her. 12 weeks, not cheap but worth every cent. She improved pretty quick and is back to her fearless instigating self. Tabitha is very vocal and always has something to say. I am grateful that I still have her and she is very healthy.
    Lucky FIP Oral Pill Ⅰ 6 mg (1kg) A La Carte
    Lucky FIP Oral Pill Ⅰ 6 mg (1kg) A La Carte
    Lucky FIP Oral Pill Ⅰ 6 mg (1kg) A La Carte
    Lucky FIP Oral Pill Ⅰ 6 mg (1kg) A La Carte
    Helpful? 1 0
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  9. Lorraine Plester

    Saved my Pebbles life She just hit a year FIP cured. I would use lucky brand again if had to do it again. Pills small and easy. Ty

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