
Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml


(29 customer reviews)
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  1. 윤정 (verified owner)


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  2. Rachael (verified owner)

    Our six month old kitty stopped eating, drinking, could barely walk, lost 2 pounds and was at 2.9 pounds and our vet told us there wasn’t much hope. This drug saved our kittens life. In only a week, she was back to eating, drinking, playing, and being a curious little devil. She has gained weight back and now weighs more than she ever has at 4.5 pounds. We owe everything to this medication.

    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
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  3. Melody Green-Acampora (verified owner)

    Thankful to this medicine for saving my babies life. If we didn’t have access to this he would not still be here with us. It is truly a miracle drug! We are so incredibly thankful.

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  4. Melody Green-Acampora (verified owner)

    We’ve used this to save several cats over the years. Cats that couldn’t move or eat and that vets told us to euthanize. We always have some on hand.

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  5. Geri Cook (verified owner)

    I am so grateful for this product and the prompt delivery. Stevie is doing very well since starting treatment. Thank you
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  6. Vincent Cimino (verified owner)

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  7. Josue (verified owner)

    The product works great. I’ve had my cat on it for a while and I can see the improvement already. Very good results.


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  8. Bridget Copeland

    The injections helped stabilize Sarafina quickly. The pills are much easier to give her!

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  9. Ingrid Szalwinski (verified owner)

    FIP medicine injectable is great! Helping my Sphynx Kitty

    This medicine has been great for my kitty. She got the worst one neurological that affected her system and esp back legs to walk. After 23 hours she was lifting her head by herself. She was dying and is now living and running around like a kitten should. So happy. Thank you very much. Love your organization that helps our pets!!

    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
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  10. Rachel Roop

    I am so greatly for lucky. I received AJ medication on time and fast!. Thank you so much for the availability of thics product.

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  11. Angela Luttrell

    Our young cat Nola began showing swollen stomach and we’d seen a vet 3x and was told there were indicators of FIP and the other said if it were FIP she’d have been dead already. Within a week we notice significant decrease in her swollen stomach size and her activity returning. We’ve purchased more than one and find it an easy regimen.

    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
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  12. Lauren Negron

    My kitten was only 12 weeks old and just over one pound! We started treatment and in 2 weeks time she was over 3 pounds! Too is before treatment and bottom is 2 weeks after starting!

    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
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  13. Danielle Johnson

    After successfully curing a wet FIP kitten last year who had only days to live, we knew where to go when one of our new rescue kitties received a diagnosis of Neuro FIP. Just like last time, the improvement was seen FAST. In a matter of days he went from barely able to hold his head up and extremely thin with no appetite to gaining energy and a desire to eat. He just passed the halfway point with no problems and no signs of slowing down. He has almost doubled in weight and is full of life again. Will continue to choose Lucky based on our first 2 cases. 🍀

    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
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  14. Jessica Hirschy

    My cat is currently in week 6 of treatment. She wasn’t able to walk at all and had 5 seizures. we believed she was on her last day. We gave her her first injection and within four hours she was walking again! Truly a miracle!

    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
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  15. Marta

    Rewelacja! 🌸
    Ten produkt jest rewelacyjny! ❤️ Mam kota FIPowego i tak jak zazwyczaj to bywa, ratunku potrzebowaliśmy natychmiast. Właścicielka sklepu okazała się tak pomocna, że moja wdzięczność do niej nie ma granic. Lek działa, mój kot czuję się po nim dobrze. Wiadomo… 84 zastrzyki to jest wymagające i dla kota i dla właściciela ale praktycznie natychmiast było widać efekty. 12 dnia woda zniknęła z brzucha całkowicie, wyniki nie najgorsze (jesteśmy na 30 dniu). Mega się cieszę, że trafiłam akurat tutaj. Serdecznie polecam i dbajcie o swoje kotki. Warto jest podjąć się leczenia i uratować naszych milusińskich! Wstawiam zdjęcia Leonka w trakcie kuracji ❤️
    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
    Lucky Cat FIP Efficient GS 15 mg/ml * 10.4 ml
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  16. Brisa Nieves

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  17. Ian Henley

    Literally saved my cat’s life. The process is no fun, but the end result is more than worth it.
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  18. Arlene Bowman

    Love Lucky ❤️ Saved 3 of my babies lives ❤️
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  19. Kathleen Nevins

    It worked! Kitten Danny has successfully completed his post-treatment period and bloodwork confirms no relapse

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  20. Regina Lewis

    This medicine saved our kitty she went from deaths door to her happy kitty self again in less than a week.

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  21. Danielle Johnson

    Our current neuro FIP cat is rapidly improving. As did the cat we successfully treated last year with your products. We will continue to use and recommend your company to others needing to treat their cats.

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  22. Heather Harding

    The product saved my kitten’s life. Not much else needs to be said.

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  23. Roger VanDyke

    While it was a difficult time for us all, we all worked hard to save our cat’s life. Vincent is alive and healthy today.

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  24. Carole Reaves

    So very grateful for this medication.

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  25. Carole Reaves

    Thank goodness for this medication. It has given my kitten the chance to overcome FIP. She is well on her way to remission.

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  26. Ibolya Kiss

    Fast delivery. Good product.

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  27. Courtney Couture

    Saved my cats life. Don’t hesitate. Cat needed a round of shots and then a round of pills. The emergency vet said to give up and lucky gave me hope.
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  28. Elisabeta Sima

    It saved my kitten.
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  29. Lucian Popescu

    Este incredibil de eficient! Pisicul meu devenise o “leguma”. Dupa trei injectii….a inviat pisica 🐱 Dupa 3 flacoane (24 de injectii) pisica este perfect sanatoasa si PIF nu a recidivat. Stiu ca tratamentul este mai lung….eu atât mi-am permis.
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