Helps the immune recovery of cats with feline infectious peritonitis, enhances the body’s blood supply system, and recovers your kitty to a normal active state, recover appetite and gain weight . Valor oral pills works for all forms fip cat.
- Pleural effusion
- Abdominal effusion
- Appetite Decreasing
- Persistent fever
- Neuro, Incoordinate and Weak leg
- Lethargy
- Anemia
- Messy hair
- Ocular Eye inflamation
Contribute for cats to improve their weak immune resistance, make them have ability to resist the invasion of viruses and other inflammations, improve blood and energy;
The 6.5 USD price is for 1 pill;
Content: 1 pill is equal to 14 mg injection;
How FIP Solution Works
If a cat’s immune system is healthy and mature, the white blood cells should fight off an infection or virus, and allow the cat to build up an immune response, or antibodies. Cats who develop FIP have an immune defect or deficiency that causes the white blood cells to replicate, rather than fight, the virus. Essentially, the cats immune system is spreading the virus throughout the cat’s body rather than trying to eliminate it. Cats who have no immune response develop wet FIP, while cats who have a partial immune response develop dry FIP.
The nucleoside analog FIP Solution is a molecular precursor to a pharmacologically active nucleoside triphosphate molecule. These analogs act as an alternative substrate and RNA-chain terminator of viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase. In layman’s terms, GS441 interjects itself into the chain reaction and stops the replication of the virus.
Shelf time:
24 months;
sandrakemperbulnes (verified owner) –
Hice un pedido de las pastillas, llego rapido a Perú y son chiquitas que es fácil de darle a mi gatito, está mucho mejor, juguetón
Susie Geilenfeldt (verified owner) –
The pill form is easy to give. On day 42, half way and our kitty is doing much better. So far, only diarrhea as a side effect.
Melissa Allphin (verified owner) –
This give us hope for our baby
Betty Prouhet (verified owner) –
Jennifer –
One good experience, the customers consult responds quickly, thanks for your patiently explain and help to me. It helped me so much, I would recommend my friends to order here.❤
Jennifer –
One good experience, the customers consult responds quickly, thanks for your patiently explain and help to me. It helped me so much, I would recommend my friends to order here.❤